Minggu, 27 Februari 2011

past tense vs present prefect

Past Tense adalah untuk menyatakan peristiwa yang telah “Lampau”.
Rumus Past Tense:
Positif: S + V2
Negatif: S + did not + V1
Tanya: Did + S + V1
V2 maksudnya adalah Kata Kerja atau Verb bentuk ke-2. bahwa kata kerja bantu “DO” bentuk present DO, bentuk keduanya (Bentuk Past) adalah DID.Contoh Kalimat Past Tense:
-I launched this blog on july 14th 2009
Saya meluncurkan atau launching blog ini tanggal 14 juli 2009.Sudah lewat kan?
Kata kerjanya bentuk kedua “launched”, ini tergolong kata kerja beraturan, tinggal tambahkan ED di belakang launch.misalnya kata kerja bentuk 1-2-3 berikut:
see – saw – seen (melihat)
launch - launched - launched (meluncurkan)
study-studied-studied (belajar)

-I saw her standing there (Saya lihat dia berdiri disana).
-They went to Tokyo last mont
-We studied english together
- I launched this blog on maret 14th 2010
Kalimat Negatif Past Tense
rumusnya: S + did + not + V1
Kata kerjanya berubah menjadi bentuk pertama (V1).
V1 -V2 – V3: Do – Did – Done.

Kalimat positif, kita jadikan negatif:
-I saw her standing there
Menjadi: I did not see her standing there

saw menjadi see. See-saw-seen.

Positif: My Father bought this car last year
Negatif: My Father did not BUY this car last year.
Kalimat Tanya Past Tense
Positif: My Father bought this car last year
Tanya: Did My Father BUY this car last year.
tambahkan dengan When,
-When did my father buy this car?
Present Perfect

[has/have + past participle]


* You have seen that movie many times.
* Have you seen that movie many times

Rumusnya Present Perfect Tense begini:
Positif: S + have/has + V3
Negatif: S + have/sas Not + V3
Tanya: Have/has + S + V3

bentuk kata kerja untuk Go adalah: Go-went.

Contoh lainnya:

-I have written english lesson for 30 minutes
-You have read my lesson since 2 PM
Perhatikan perubahan kata kerja:
Write – wrote – written (berubah)
kalimat positif:
-I have cleaned the floor
-He has drunk milk
-You have just broken the glass

vocabulary things office

1.drawing pin:pin gambar
2. file:file
3. sellotape:sellotape
4.calculator: kalkulator
5. rubber:karet hapus
6.stapler: penjilid
7.hole punch:pembolong kertas
9.paper clip:klip kertas
13.paper cutter:pemotong kertas
14. Tape (dispenser) : Tape (dispenser)
15. Paper clip holder:klip kertas pemegang
16. Pushpins:paku payung
17. Bulldog clip:bulldog klip
18. Correction Fluid (white-out):Koreksi Fluida (putih-out)
19. Pencil sharpener:rautan pensil
20. Stapler:jepretan
21. Pen:pena
22. Pencil:pensil
23. Highlighter:stabilo
24. Rubber bands (elastic bands):karet gelang
26.Business cards:kartu nama
27.calendar :kalender
28.appointment book :penunjukan buku
29.Carbon paper
: kertas karbon
30.clip board: papan klip
31.desk lamp:lampu meja
laptop: laptop
34. electric typewriters:mesin tik listrik
35.whiteboard : papan tuis
36.dry erase markers :penghapus spidol
37.fax machine :mesin fax
printer :printer
39.nameplate:papan nama
40. notepad :notepad
41.notice board :papan pengumuman
42. binder:binder
43.swivel chair:kursi putar
44.wastepaper basket:keranjang sampah
trash can:tong sampah
overhead projector:OHP
48.globe: bola dunia tiruan
49.pictur :lukisan
50.paper: kertas
51. tabke:meja
TV ANTENNA:antenna tv
DIGITAL parabola: parabola digital
54.cctv: alat pengintai
EQUIPMENT FIRE LIGHTER: alat pemadam api ringan
Cash register: mesin hitung uang
Cupboard Archive: lemari arsip
Safe: brankas
projector lamps: lampu projector
satellite phone: telepon satelit
Newspaper Stand :rak koran
62.Auto air freshener: pengharum ruangan otomatis
Rule Book Company: buku peraturan perusahaan
Ink: tinta
Stamp duty: materai
Black Ban Lak: lakban hitam
Cash Book quarto Checks & Deposit Receipt: buku kas kuarto penerima cek & giro
Receipt Books: buku kwitansi
Envelopes brown rope: amplop tali coklat
cupboard: lemari
agency heads: kepala dinas
72.general meneger: meneger umum
head of internal audit: kepala audit internal
vice president:wakil direktur utama
75.direktur marketing:direktur pemasaran
76.direktur finance: direktur keuangan
commissioner: komisaris
personnel: personalia
production director: direktur produksi
director expenditure:direktur pembelanjan
research director: direktur penelitian
director of development: direktur pengembangan
83.staff: para pegawai
84.security : satpam
85. secretary: sekertaris
86. office boy: pesuruh kantor
87.designer graphics: desainer grafis
88.maintenance: pemeliharaan
production control: pengendalian produksi
90.supervisor: pengawas
head packing: kepala pengepakan
92.amplas sending: mandor ampals pengiriman
director of space: ruang direktur
information space: ruang informasi
machine: mesin
96.toilet room: toilet
97.pencil cases: tempat pensil
bookcase: lemari buku
99.sofa: dipan
flowerpot: pot bunga

Change the verbs in these sentences (a) to the past tense, (b) to the future tense, (c) to the perfect present tense. Study the examples carefully.

I spend my money (a) I spent my money.

(b) I will spend my money.

(c) I have spent my money.

2. They use that one (a) They used that one.

(b) They will use my money.

(c) They has used that one.

3. We study English together (a) We studied English together.

(b) We will study English together.

(c) We have studied English together.

4. They discuss their work (a) They discussed their work.

(b) They will discuss their work.

(c) They have discussed their work.

5. They have enough time (a) They had enough time.

(b) They will have enough time.

(c) They have had enough time.

6. I do all of the lesson (a) I did all of the lesson.

(b) I will have do all the lesson.

(c) I have did all of the lesson.

7. He sits in that row (a) He sitted in that row.

(b) He will sit in the row.

(c) He has sitted in the row.

8. I drive my car (a) I drove my car.

(b) I will drive my car.

(c) I have drove my car.

9. She hides her money (a) She hid her money.

(b) She will hide her money.

(c) She has hid her money.

10. We go to school (a) We went to school.

(b) We will go to school.

(c) We have went to school.

11. He takes much time (a) He took much time.

(b) He will take much time.

(c) He has took much time.

12. Does he eat there? (a) Did he eat there ?

(b) Will he eat there ?

(c) Has he eaten there ?

13. Do you enjoy that work ? (a) Did you enjoy that work ?

(b) Will you enjoy that work ?

(c) Have you enjoyed that work?

14. Does he write many letters ? (a) Did he write many letter ?

(b) Will he write many letter ?

(c) Has he wrote many letter ?

15. Do you send many letters ? (a) Did you send many letter ?

(b) Will you send many letter ?

(c) Have you sent many letter ?

16. Do they explain everything ? (a) Did they explain everything ?

(b) Will they explain everything ?

(c) Have they explained everything ?

17. Does she attend that class ? (a) Did she attend that class ?

(b) Will she attend that class ?

(c) Has she attended class ?

18. Do you have enough time ? (a) Did you have enough time ?

(b) Will you have enough time ?

(c) Have you had enough time ?

19. Do they copy the sentences ? (a) Did they copy the sentences ?

(b) Will they copy the sentences ?

(c) Have they copied the sentences ?

20. Does she have much trouble ? (a) Did she have much trouble ?

(b) Will she have much trouble ?

(c) Has she had much trouble ?

21. Does she do good work ? (a) Did she do good work ?

(b) Will she do good work ?

(c) Has she done good work ?

22. Do the students practise ? (a) Did they practise ?

(b) Will they practise ?

(c) Have they practised ?