Selasa, 29 November 2011

Penerapan Etika dalam Dunia Bisnis diera Perdagangan Bisnis

1.Berilah contoh penerapan etika dalam dunia bisnis diera perdagangan bisnis saat ini ?
2.Bagaimana pendapat saudara terhadap pernyataan “kompetisi adalah konsep mereka yang berhasil adalah yang mahir menghancurkan musuh-musuhnya.” Bagaimana pendapat saudara !
3.Sebutkan contoh penerapan dari prinsip-prinsip GCG pada BUMN ?
jawab !
1. contoh penerapan etika bisnis:
- Setiap pelaku bisnis harus membayar upah para pekerja sesuai dengan standar dan klasifikasi jenjang karir para pekerjanya.
- Tidak melakukan paksaan, seperti tekanan, batasan, dorongan dengan paksa atau dengan menggunakan jabatan atau ancaman terhadap seorang individu.
- Tidak melakukan pencurian, atau tindakan mengambil sesuatu yang bukan hak kita atau mengambil barang atau benda milik orang lain tanpa persetujuan pemiliknya.
- Tidak melakukan diskriminasi tidak jelas kepada siapapun, perlakuan tidak adil atau penolakan terhadap orang-orang tertentu yang disebabkan oleh ras, jenis kelamin, kewarganegaraan, atau agama.
- Pelaku bisnis harus mampu mengendalikan dirinya untuk tidak menerima apapun guna memperlancar usahanya dengan cara kotor (sogokan / korupsi).
2. Pendapat tetntang “ kompetisi adalah konsep, kita tidak harus menghancurkan musuh - musuh dengan cara kekerasan atau kekeroyokan, dan jangan sampai melukai orang, dan dalam berkompetensi harus dengan cara bersaing yang sehat.
3.Prinsip-prinsip GCG :
• Transparansi (transparency) contohnya :
- tidak boleh saling rahasia - rahasiaan satu dengan yang lain.
- adanya sifat saling terbuka saat rapat.
• Kemandirian (independency) contohnya :
- Perusahaan tersebut menjalankan semua kegiatannya dengan tenaga dari kerjanya masing - masing.
- Proses pengambilan keputusan diperusahaan dilakukan secara obyektif.
• Akuntabilitas (accountability) contohnya :
- Sistem penilaian kinerja operasional, organisasi, dan perorangan telah sepakat ditetapkan.
- Meningkatkan nilai perusahaan dengan cara meningkatkan prinsip akuntabilitas, agar perusahaan memiliki daya saing yang kuat baik secara internasional.
• Kewajaran (fairness) contohnya :
- Sistem hukum dan peraturan serta penegakannya yang jelas agar berlaku buat semua pihak perusahaan.
- Proses dalam pengambilan keputusan di perusahaan senantiasa mengacu dan mentaati sistem dan prosedur yang telah dibangun.

Senin, 31 Oktober 2011

Penerapan Etika dan Etiket di Masyarakat

1. Sebutkan penerapan etiket di masyarakat minimal 5 ?
- Saat makan, kaki tidak boleh diangkat atau ditaruh diatas meja
- Tidak bersendawa sehabis makan saat makan dengan orang lain
- Menerima atau memberi harus dengan tangan kanan
- Jika mengunyah makanan tidak boleh bersuara/berisik
- Jika bertamu kerumah orang atau masuk kerumah, selalu didahulukan dengan mengetuk pintu dan menucapka salam
2. Contoh sanksi sosial yang berlaku di masyarakat
- Ditegur karena kita telah melanggar etika dilingkungan masyarakat
- Menjadi pergunjingan atau dikucilkan oleh warga dilingkungan masyarakat sekitar
- Selalu dijauhkan oleh warga masyarakat disekitar
- Dikenai denda sesuai dengan pelanggaran yang sudah dibuat
- Diserahkan ke pihak yang berwajib jika pelanggaran yang sudah dibuat yang telah
melewati batas-batas norma dalam lingkungan
3. Apa kelebihan dan kekurangan paham hedonisme bila diterapkan di era globalisasi
sekarang ?
1. Kelebihan :
- Memberikan kita pengetahuan akan informasi dan budaya baru yang masuk,
- Membuat kita memiliki rasa ingin tahu yang tinggi akan sesuatu hal yang
- Membuat kita tidak ketinggalan informasi.
- Ingin selalu mengikuti perkembangan zaman yang ada di indonesia.

2. Kekurangan :
- Membuat orang menjadi lupa dengan orang-orang yang ada disekitarnya.
Karena sibuk dengan kesenangan dirinya sendiri.
- Bisa merusak nilai dan norma yang ada di lingkungan masyarakat / sosial,
politik, hukum, ekonomi, dan budaya.

penerapan etika di masyarakat

Kita sebagai manusia sebenarnya paling beruntung dan paling sempurna disbanding makhluk-makhluk lain ciptaan-NYa. Allah swt telah memberikan begitu banyak nikmat kepada kita semua umatnya dan kita juga harus mensyukuri segala nikmat yang telah diberikan oleh-Nya. Salah satu nikmat yang Allah swt berikan kepada kita yaitu Allah swt memberikan kita sumber daya alam yang melimpah ruah di negeri kita ini. Sumber Daya Alam itu sendiri terbagi dalam 2 jenis yaitu, SDA yang dapat diperbaharui dan SDA yang tidak dapat diperbaharui. Adapun SDA yang dapat diperbaharui kembali yaitu, air, udara, tanah, dan tumbuhan. Begitu juga dengan SDA yang tidak dapat diperbaharui kembali dan lama-kelamaan akan habis diantaranya, batu bara, minyak bumi, dan lainnya.

Di masa modern seperti sekarang ini sering kali terjadi pemanasan global. Pemanasan global tersebut merupakan perbuatan yang dilakukan oleh tangan manusia itu sendiri dan dapat menimbulkan efek yang sangat tidak baik dan dapat menyebabkan bencana-bencana alam yang tidak kita inginkan. Hal ini juga menyebabkan kelembaban udara menjadi asam dan polusi juga terjadi dimana-mana dan dapat menambah keasaman udara serta menipisnya lapisan ozon bumi kita.

Air merupakan salah satu SDA yang dapat diperbaharui tapi mengapa masih banyak penduduk daerah-daerah terpencil di Negara kita yang tidak dapat merasakan air yang bersih karena air bersih langka. Hal ini disebabkan karena ulah tangan manusia itu sendiri yang tidak dapat menggunakan air bersih seefisien mungkin dan banyak sumber-sumber mata air yang dijadikan tempat pembuangan sampah yang dapat menyebabkan air menjadi kotor dan tercemar.

Minyak bumi merupakan salah satu SDA yang tidak dapat diperbaharui. Salah satu contoh dari minyak bumi yaitu, BBM (Bahan Bakar Minyak). Mengapa harga BBM di dunia naik? Karena BBM di dunia itu jumlahnya semakin sedikit. Hal itu disebabkan karena Begitu banyaknya para pengendara kendaraan bermotor di dunia yang menggunakan BBM setiap hari untuk melakukan berbagai aktivitas. Lama-kelamaan BBM akan habis juga. Apa yang terjadi apabila BBM habis, mungkin nanti orang-orang untuk mencapai tempat yang akan dituju harus dengan berjalan kaki.

Maka dari itu marilah kita semua menghemat SDA yang ada di Bumi kita agar kelak anak cucu kita juga dapat merasakan salah satu nikmat yang Allah berikan tersebut kepada kita. Tidak sulit untuk menjaga agar SDA dapat dinikmati di masa depan. Hanya dengan cara menghemat, Jangan boros menggunakan SDA, gunakan seperlunya saja dan jaga SDA dengan baik serta jangan merusaknya.

Senin, 09 Mei 2011

Unreal conditions : Present and Future
1. If I (have) the day off tomorrow, I would go to the beach.
If I had the day off tomorrow, I would go to the beach.
2. If I (have) a million dollars right now, I would retire.
If I had a million dollars right now, I would retire.
3. If I (be) the mayor of this city, I would change certain things.
If I were the mayor of this city, I would change certain things.
4. If that man (work) harder, he could earn more money.
If that man worked harder, he could earn more money.
5. I would glady tell you the answer if I only (know) it myself.
I would glady tell you the answer if I only known it myself.
6. If Don and I (have) enough money, we would buy a house.
If Don and I had enough money, we would buy a house.
7. If the weather (be) better right now, we could go for a walk.
If the weather were better right now, we could go for a walk.
8. That student would get much higher marks if he (study) harder.
That student would get much higher marks if he studied harder.
9. If Mr.Smith (call) me, I would explain everything to him.
If Mr.Smith calling me, I would explain everything to him.
10. Mr. Moore would give up teaching if he (enjoy, not) it so much.
Mr. Moore would give up teaching if he enjoyed, not it so much.
11. If I (be) in your place, I would accept Mr.Anderson’s offer.
If I were in your place, I would accept Mr.Anderson’s offer.
12. People would understand you better if you (speak) more carefully.
People would understand you better if you spoken more carefully.

Using the word Unless in conditions
1. If you don’t leave immediately, I will call a policeman.
Unless you leave immediately, I will call a policeman.
2. Fred wouldn’t do that if he didn’t have your permission.
Fred wouldn’t do that unless he had your permission.
3. I won’t brother to call you if I don’t hear from Mr.Brown.
I won’t brother to call you unless i hear from Mr.Brown.
4. If you agree with him, charles wouldn’t even suggest it.
Unless you agreed with him, charles wouldn’t even suggest it.
5. We can’t write to Mr.Suzuki if he doesn’t send us his address.
We can’t write to Mr.Suzuki unless he sends us his address.
6. If you don’t study harder, you’re going to fail the examination.
Unless you study harder, you’re going to fail the examination.
7. I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes.
I wouldn’t have believed it unless I seen it with my own eyes.
8. If she doesn’t start the letter now, she’ll have to do it tomorrow.
Unless she start the letter now, she’ll have to do it tomorrow.
9. The lawyer wouldn’t say that if he didn’t have strong evidence.
The lawyer wouldn’t say that unless he had strong evidence.
10. If you don’t invest your money wisely, you will lose all of it.
Unless you invested your money wisely, you will lose all of it.
11. I won’t say anything if Smith doesn’t bring up the matter himself.
I won’t say anything unless Smith bring up the matter himself.
12. If no more guests come, there will be enough food for everyone.
Unless more guests come, there will be enough food for everyone.
13. Our dog wouldn’t have barked if he hadn’t heard a strange noise.
Our dog wouldn’t have barked unless he heard a strange noise.

Unreal conditions : Past
1. If George (have) the money, he would have lent it to me.
If George had the money, he would have lent it to me.
2. I would have spoken to Frank if I (see) him yesterday.
I would have spoken to Frank if I had seen him yesterday.
3. If the weather (be) better, we would have left Friday morning.
If the weather had were better, we would have left Friday morning.
4. Alice would have told you the truth if you (ask) her about it.
Alice would have told you the truth if you had asked her about it.
5. If you (study) a little harder, you would have passed the test.
If you had studied a little harder, you would have passed the test.
6. I could have lent you some money if I (spend, not) everything.
I could have lent you some money if I had spent, not everything.
7. If there (be) any complaints, we would have heard about them.
If there had were any complaints, we would have heard about them.
8. We would have gone with Fred last Friday if he (invite) us.
We would have gone with Fred last Friday if he had invited us.
9. If you (ask, only) me, I could easily have given you the answer.
If you asked, only me, I could easily have given you the answer.
10. Bill would have taken, more photographs if he (had) more film.
Bill would have taken, more photographs if he had has more film.
11. If Tom (be) here yesterday, he would have been able to advise us.
If Tom had were here yesterday, he would have been able to advise us.
12. We would have bought that house if the price (be) a little lower.
We would have bought that house if the price had were a little lower.
13. If they (need) any help with the work, they would have called use.
If they had needed any help with the work, they would have called use.

Writing conditonal setences
1. If you had taken my advice, you will succeed
2. I would have had less trouble if, you want to help me
3. If anyone had asked me about it, I will answer it
4. Our dog Saki would have barked if, you tried to disturb
5. If I had been in your place, I would feel happy
6. Bill wouldn’t have said anything if, he did not know what they mean
7. If you had followed my instruction, would not be wrong
8. You wouldn’t have lost your money if, you are not careless
9. If john had taken better care of his car, his car would be fine
10. We couldn’t have gone on our trip if, no vehicle to get there
11. If you had only left your house earlier, you must lock all the doors of your house
12. It would have been much better if, you can keep your emotions
13. If my watch hadn’t been five minutes slow, I'm not going to be late
14. Things would have been different if, we differentiate it
15. If I had been born a century ago, I would not be here now

Rabu, 06 April 2011

Tentang TOEFL

TOEFL merupakan singkatan dari Test Of English as a Foreign Language. TOEFL adalah standardisasi kemampuan bahasa inggris seseorang secara tertulis (de jure) yang meliputi empat aspek penguasaan: Listening, Writing dan Reading.
Sistem penilaian TOEFL menggunakan konversi dari setiap jawaban yang benar. Nilai TOEFL tertinggi yang bisa dicapai seseorang adalah 675.

Tujuan Test TOEFL
TOEFL memiliki dua tujuan umum yaitu: Academic dan General. Dalam bentuk yang sama, sertifikasi rekomendasi TOEFL bisa gunakan untuk kedua hal tadi.
Academic adalah menggunakan test untuk tujuan pendidikan, penelitian atau yang berhubungan dengan kegiatan akademis di luar negeri, ataupun di Indonesia. Untuk paska sarjana, biasanya nilai minimal adalah 550. sedangkan untuk S1 adalah 500
General pada umumnya digunakan untuk tujuan pekerjaan, kenaikan pangkat atau tugas kerja. Banyak perusahaan yang memasang standar bahasa inggris karyawannya dengan melihat nilai TOEFL – nya. Umumnya, nilai TOEFL minimal adalah 500 untuk kenaikan pangkat standar.
Sepanjang yang saya temui, kisaran nilai TOEFL rata – rata orang indonesia dengan jenjang pendidikan minimal S1 sangat fluktuatif. Bahkan ada beberapa yang tidak mengetahui apa dan untuk apa itu TOEFL (mereka membaca dengan : ”tufl”). Tidak demikian dengan para pengambil jurusan bahasa inggris semasa kuliah. Minimal mereka tahu, apa itu TOEFL. Meski demikian, nilai TOEFL seorang mahasiswa atau lulusan jurusan bahasa inggris sekalipun tidak menjamin tinggi. Pada beberapa kali case recruiment, saya mendapati beberapa applicant mendapatkan nilai TOEFL 300, padahal di lamarannya, yang bersangkutan adalah alumni sebuah ABA (Akademi Bahasa Asing).
Sedangkan secara umum, fluktuasi nilai TOEFL rata – ratanya berkisar antara 300 sampai 600.

Apakah nilai TOEFL seseorang menjamin kemampuan bahasa inggris seseorang?
Umumnya, orang memahami bahwa bahasa inggris adalah speaking, conversation, cas cis cus dan seterusnya. Bahasa inggris mengcover 4 skill utama yaitu: Listening (pencernaan kata melalui pendengaran), Writing (pencernaan kata melalui tulisan dan tata bahasanya), reading (pencernaan makna sebuah text bahasa) dan Speaking (mampu mengucapkannya).
Berbicara tentang penguasaan bahasa, maka tidak bisa dilepaskan dari penguasaan empat skill tadi, secara sempurna. Namun, banyak yang beranggapan, yang penting adalah kemampuan mengucapkannya, meski dengan tata bahasa yang penuh toleransi dan pilihan kata yang seadanya dan asal ketemu.
John : Would you drive me to the hospital?
Us : Better go now….
Dari makna pembicaraan, ucapan tersebut memiliki pengertian. Tetapi kita juga tahu, kualitas seseorang diketahui dari caranya berbicara, terlebih penggunaan diksinya (pilihan kata).

Minggu, 20 Maret 2011

Subject – Verb Agreement

1. Neither Bill Nor marry IS going to the play tonight.
2. Anything IS better than going to another movie tonight.
3. Skating IS becoming more popular everyday.
4. A number Of reporters WERE at the conference yesterday.
5. Every body who HAVE a fever must go home immediately.
6. Your glasses WERE on the bureau last night.
7. There WAS some people at the meeting last night.
8. The committee HAVE already reached a decision.
9. A pair of jeans WAS in the washing machine this morning.
10. Each student HAVE answered the first three questions.
11. Either john or his wife MAKES breakfast each morning.
12. After she had perused the material, the secretary decided that everything WAS in order.
13. The crowd at the basketball game WAS wild with excitement.
14. A pack of wild dogs HAVE frighatened all the ducks away.
15. The Jury ARE trying to reach a decision.
16. The army HAVE eleminated this sections of the training test.
17. The number of students who have withdrawn from class this quarter IS appalling.
18. There HAS been too many interruptions in this class.
19. Every elementary school teacher HAVE to take this examination.
20. Neither jill nor her parents HAVE seen this movie before.

VERB as Complements

1. The teacher decided TO ACCEPT the paper.
2. They approciate HAVING this information.
3. His father doesn’t approve of his GOING to europa.
4. We found it very difficult REACHING a decision.
5. Donna is interested in OPENING a bar.
6. George has no intention of TO LEAVE the city now.
7. We are eager TO RETURN to school in the fall.
8. You would be better Off TO BUY this car.
9. She refused ACCEPTING the gift
10. Marry regrets TO BE the one to have to tell him.
11. George pretented BEING sick yesterday.
12. Carlos hopes FINISHING his thesis this years.
13. They a greed TO LEAVE early.
14. Helen was anxious TELLING her family aboiut her promotion.
15. We are not ready TO STEP this research at this time.
16. Henry shouldn’t risk TO DRIVE so fast.
17. He demands TO KNOW whats is going on.
18. She is looking forward to RETURN to her country.
19. There is no excuse for LEAVING the room in this condition.
20. Gerald returned to his home after LEAVING the game.

Minggu, 27 Februari 2011

past tense vs present prefect

Past Tense adalah untuk menyatakan peristiwa yang telah “Lampau”.
Rumus Past Tense:
Positif: S + V2
Negatif: S + did not + V1
Tanya: Did + S + V1
V2 maksudnya adalah Kata Kerja atau Verb bentuk ke-2. bahwa kata kerja bantu “DO” bentuk present DO, bentuk keduanya (Bentuk Past) adalah DID.Contoh Kalimat Past Tense:
-I launched this blog on july 14th 2009
Saya meluncurkan atau launching blog ini tanggal 14 juli 2009.Sudah lewat kan?
Kata kerjanya bentuk kedua “launched”, ini tergolong kata kerja beraturan, tinggal tambahkan ED di belakang launch.misalnya kata kerja bentuk 1-2-3 berikut:
see – saw – seen (melihat)
launch - launched - launched (meluncurkan)
study-studied-studied (belajar)

-I saw her standing there (Saya lihat dia berdiri disana).
-They went to Tokyo last mont
-We studied english together
- I launched this blog on maret 14th 2010
Kalimat Negatif Past Tense
rumusnya: S + did + not + V1
Kata kerjanya berubah menjadi bentuk pertama (V1).
V1 -V2 – V3: Do – Did – Done.

Kalimat positif, kita jadikan negatif:
-I saw her standing there
Menjadi: I did not see her standing there

saw menjadi see. See-saw-seen.

Positif: My Father bought this car last year
Negatif: My Father did not BUY this car last year.
Kalimat Tanya Past Tense
Positif: My Father bought this car last year
Tanya: Did My Father BUY this car last year.
tambahkan dengan When,
-When did my father buy this car?
Present Perfect

[has/have + past participle]


* You have seen that movie many times.
* Have you seen that movie many times

Rumusnya Present Perfect Tense begini:
Positif: S + have/has + V3
Negatif: S + have/sas Not + V3
Tanya: Have/has + S + V3

bentuk kata kerja untuk Go adalah: Go-went.

Contoh lainnya:

-I have written english lesson for 30 minutes
-You have read my lesson since 2 PM
Perhatikan perubahan kata kerja:
Write – wrote – written (berubah)
kalimat positif:
-I have cleaned the floor
-He has drunk milk
-You have just broken the glass

vocabulary things office

1.drawing pin:pin gambar
2. file:file
3. sellotape:sellotape
4.calculator: kalkulator
5. rubber:karet hapus
6.stapler: penjilid
7.hole punch:pembolong kertas
9.paper clip:klip kertas
13.paper cutter:pemotong kertas
14. Tape (dispenser) : Tape (dispenser)
15. Paper clip holder:klip kertas pemegang
16. Pushpins:paku payung
17. Bulldog clip:bulldog klip
18. Correction Fluid (white-out):Koreksi Fluida (putih-out)
19. Pencil sharpener:rautan pensil
20. Stapler:jepretan
21. Pen:pena
22. Pencil:pensil
23. Highlighter:stabilo
24. Rubber bands (elastic bands):karet gelang
26.Business cards:kartu nama
27.calendar :kalender
28.appointment book :penunjukan buku
29.Carbon paper
: kertas karbon
30.clip board: papan klip
31.desk lamp:lampu meja
laptop: laptop
34. electric typewriters:mesin tik listrik
35.whiteboard : papan tuis
36.dry erase markers :penghapus spidol
37.fax machine :mesin fax
printer :printer
39.nameplate:papan nama
40. notepad :notepad
41.notice board :papan pengumuman
42. binder:binder
43.swivel chair:kursi putar
44.wastepaper basket:keranjang sampah
trash can:tong sampah
overhead projector:OHP
48.globe: bola dunia tiruan
49.pictur :lukisan
50.paper: kertas
51. tabke:meja
TV ANTENNA:antenna tv
DIGITAL parabola: parabola digital
54.cctv: alat pengintai
EQUIPMENT FIRE LIGHTER: alat pemadam api ringan
Cash register: mesin hitung uang
Cupboard Archive: lemari arsip
Safe: brankas
projector lamps: lampu projector
satellite phone: telepon satelit
Newspaper Stand :rak koran
62.Auto air freshener: pengharum ruangan otomatis
Rule Book Company: buku peraturan perusahaan
Ink: tinta
Stamp duty: materai
Black Ban Lak: lakban hitam
Cash Book quarto Checks & Deposit Receipt: buku kas kuarto penerima cek & giro
Receipt Books: buku kwitansi
Envelopes brown rope: amplop tali coklat
cupboard: lemari
agency heads: kepala dinas
72.general meneger: meneger umum
head of internal audit: kepala audit internal
vice president:wakil direktur utama
75.direktur marketing:direktur pemasaran
76.direktur finance: direktur keuangan
commissioner: komisaris
personnel: personalia
production director: direktur produksi
director expenditure:direktur pembelanjan
research director: direktur penelitian
director of development: direktur pengembangan
83.staff: para pegawai : satpam
85. secretary: sekertaris
86. office boy: pesuruh kantor
87.designer graphics: desainer grafis
88.maintenance: pemeliharaan
production control: pengendalian produksi
90.supervisor: pengawas
head packing: kepala pengepakan
92.amplas sending: mandor ampals pengiriman
director of space: ruang direktur
information space: ruang informasi
machine: mesin
96.toilet room: toilet
97.pencil cases: tempat pensil
bookcase: lemari buku
99.sofa: dipan
flowerpot: pot bunga

Change the verbs in these sentences (a) to the past tense, (b) to the future tense, (c) to the perfect present tense. Study the examples carefully.

I spend my money (a) I spent my money.

(b) I will spend my money.

(c) I have spent my money.

2. They use that one (a) They used that one.

(b) They will use my money.

(c) They has used that one.

3. We study English together (a) We studied English together.

(b) We will study English together.

(c) We have studied English together.

4. They discuss their work (a) They discussed their work.

(b) They will discuss their work.

(c) They have discussed their work.

5. They have enough time (a) They had enough time.

(b) They will have enough time.

(c) They have had enough time.

6. I do all of the lesson (a) I did all of the lesson.

(b) I will have do all the lesson.

(c) I have did all of the lesson.

7. He sits in that row (a) He sitted in that row.

(b) He will sit in the row.

(c) He has sitted in the row.

8. I drive my car (a) I drove my car.

(b) I will drive my car.

(c) I have drove my car.

9. She hides her money (a) She hid her money.

(b) She will hide her money.

(c) She has hid her money.

10. We go to school (a) We went to school.

(b) We will go to school.

(c) We have went to school.

11. He takes much time (a) He took much time.

(b) He will take much time.

(c) He has took much time.

12. Does he eat there? (a) Did he eat there ?

(b) Will he eat there ?

(c) Has he eaten there ?

13. Do you enjoy that work ? (a) Did you enjoy that work ?

(b) Will you enjoy that work ?

(c) Have you enjoyed that work?

14. Does he write many letters ? (a) Did he write many letter ?

(b) Will he write many letter ?

(c) Has he wrote many letter ?

15. Do you send many letters ? (a) Did you send many letter ?

(b) Will you send many letter ?

(c) Have you sent many letter ?

16. Do they explain everything ? (a) Did they explain everything ?

(b) Will they explain everything ?

(c) Have they explained everything ?

17. Does she attend that class ? (a) Did she attend that class ?

(b) Will she attend that class ?

(c) Has she attended class ?

18. Do you have enough time ? (a) Did you have enough time ?

(b) Will you have enough time ?

(c) Have you had enough time ?

19. Do they copy the sentences ? (a) Did they copy the sentences ?

(b) Will they copy the sentences ?

(c) Have they copied the sentences ?

20. Does she have much trouble ? (a) Did she have much trouble ?

(b) Will she have much trouble ?

(c) Has she had much trouble ?

21. Does she do good work ? (a) Did she do good work ?

(b) Will she do good work ?

(c) Has she done good work ?

22. Do the students practise ? (a) Did they practise ?

(b) Will they practise ?

(c) Have they practised ?